Getting Started

I’m the Ex Career Dieter.  I’ve spend years on various diets programs, and I am done.  After finishing each diet program, I was always left not knowing what to do next.  This led to more weight gain and then to a new program.  Sound familiar?   After successfully completing various diet programs and reading a handful of diet and nutrition books, I’ve finally figured out how to maintain a healthy weight on my own.

This blog records recipes and advice which will help you maintain your weight, lose a few pounds, or simply feel better and be healthier.  The first and most important step is to start a food journal.  This can be a small notebook you write in daily, or an online food journal such as My Fitness Pal.  My Fitness Pal is an excellent resource because it is free, it is available online or as a mobile app, and it tracks all your calories and nutrition information.   Choose a daily calorie intake that works for your lifestyle and body type.  Don’t be afraid to change it if you aren’t losing enough weight or if you are too hungry.  Remember to eat at least 1200 calories a day so your body doesn’t go into starvation shock.

Nearly all the recipes in this blog are both reduced calorie and reduced fat at a minimum.  Some recipes will also be noted as “low fat”, “low sodium”, or “low calorie”.  These distinctions are based off the requirements set by the FDA and they are as follows:

Recipes noted as “carb conscious” contain at least a 1:10 fiber to carbohydrate ratio.  You won’t see any artificial sweeteners here;  I’m not a fan.  However, if you are watching your sugars, feel free to substitute Splenda or another artificial sweetener for sugar.

Most of the recipes in this blog are what strict dieters consider maintenance recipes.  However, eating a reduced calorie diet will lead to some weight loss.  These recipes will help you maintain a healthy weight and/or lose a few extra pounds.  Need a little more help?  Weight Watchers Online is a great program which is both inexpensive and easy; however it requires a good deal  of self discipline and a good basis of knowledge concerning nutrition.  All of my blog recipes can be used with Weight Watchers plans.  Just plug in the calories, fat, protein, carbs and fiber into the points calculator, or enter the recipe in your recipe builder.  If you have significant weight to lose or need more help, talk to your doctor about a good plan to follow.